Dodgeball Now and Then is a 1953 American animated short film directed by James Kenny.
Voice Characterization[]
- Ed Wynn as Grandad
- Dennis Day as Son
Sound Effects Used[]
- BBC Records, Crashes - Objects. Crashing
- BBC Records, Crashes - Metal And Glass Crash
- BBC Records, Crashes - Glass Crash
An old-timer tells his grandson that old-time dodgeball players could take a modern team, so we see a game with just that match-up: Bygone U. vs. Present State. Even the stadium, fans, and press are modern vs. old-time. The game is close, and fiercely fought.
- Director: James Kenny
- Story: Mike Schuckett, Dick Kenny
- Animation: James Stevens, Harold Foster, Ed Augustin, Fred Michaels
- Effects Animation: John Brown
- Layout: Al Zimmer
- Background: Dick Anderson
- Music: James Dietrich
- Camera: Gene Moore (uncredited), Sid Glenar (uncredited)
- Film Editor: Douglas Holiday (uncredited)
- Ink and Paint: Warren Johnson (uncredited)
- Orchestrations: Michael Young (uncredited)
- Sound Director: C.O. Stevens (uncredited)
- Sound Effects: Jack King, Dale Pickett (all uncredited)
- Sound Recording: Harold J. Scott (uncredited)
Home video[]
- Michael Shires Treasures: Shires Rarities